Registration Renewal Terms & Conditions
By using Reviver’s electronic vehicle registration renewal process, you agree to Reviver collecting all referenced fees and forward these fees to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) on your behalf. Reviver is not owned or operated by any government agency and uses a registered DMV Business Partner to process the registration renewal transaction. The fees cannot be reversed/refunded once processed.
Reviver will collect the disclosed registration renewal fees represented by the DMV for completion of your registration renewal. If additional fees are incurred (i.e. parking violations) before the transaction is completed and these fees are required to be paid as part of the registration renewal, Reviver will automatically collect these additional fees as part of completing the renewal.
Reviver is not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided to us by you. In the event that corrected or additional information is required to complete your vehicle registration order, you may be required to submit the additional information either directly to Reviver or the DMV. Any delay in providing this information may cause you to accrue late fees, penalties, or both for which Reviver is not responsible. Reviver is not responsible for any additional fees or penalties imposed by the DMV at any time and for any reason.
Reviver will collect and store an electronic copy of your updated registration document. Once the registration is confirmed to have been renewed by the DMV, your plate will automatically update with the updated year number. Reviver’s Business Partner will mail the physical registration and plate tags to the address you specify. This will, in no way, change, update, or modify the mailing address on file with the DMV. To change your address on file with the DMV, you must contact your local DMV office.
By using this application you confirm that you are either the vehicle owner or are fully authorized by the vehicle owner to process the renewal of the vehicle’s registration.