Illinois Drivers: Be one of the first to get a digital license plate.

Illinois’ motto “Land of Lincoln” embodies the spirit of determination and community. Soon, Illinois drivers can enjoy a new level of community and freedom with their own digital license plate.

Secretary of State is currently developing rules and regulations that will govern the use of digital license plates.

SB 0102: Digital Registration Plate

The bill amended Chapter 504 of the Transportation Code requiring DMV to adopt rules to allow a registered vehicle to be equipped with a digital license plate that is placed on the rear of the vehicle if the vehicle is part of a commercial fleet, is owned or operated by a governmental entity, or is not a passenger vehicle. 

 The bill authorizes DMV to: (1) contract with third-party providers to issue digital license plates; (2) to establish the procedures for displaying certain information on a digital license plate, including advertising approved by the DMV; (3) to establish a fee in an amount necessary to cover any administrative costs for issuance of a digital license plate that exceed the administrative costs incurred for issuance of a physical license plate

Learn more about the details of this legislation.

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We’re on the road to bringing digital license plates to everyone.

RPlates are currently available for purchase and DMV registration in Arizona, California, and Michigan. For drivers in these states, they are legal to drive anywhere throughout the U.S.

Explore more information about digital license plate approvals and progress nationwide.