Step 1:
Download the
Reviver App

To download the app go to the App Store for your iPhone or the Google Play store for your android.

Step 2:
Claim and Activate your new RPlate™

It all starts with activating your plate.

Create Reviver Account
Create your Reviver account in the mobile app

Add Your Vehicle
Get started by adding your vehicle with the License Plate Number.

Claim Your RPlate
Simply scan serial number on the front top right of your plate and enter the email used to make the purchase of your RPlate

Follow in app instructions to setup your RPlate. 

Explore the app to discover more of the additional personalization and convenience features.

Step 3:
Install RPlate Hardware

*Only install your RPlate hardware after you have received confirmation that your plate has been activated. This can take 1-3 days for DMV approval.

Follow these detailed instructions to self-install the RPlate on your vehicle.

Wired RPlate: Professional Installation
After you have followed Step 1 and 2 above, you can schedule an installation for your RPlate by contacting our customer support team. 

The hard-wired RPlate requires professional installation. You can find more details on that process in our support hub.

Questions or

Contact our support team by filling out the form below.

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